Hillside Community Primary School

Together we can shine

What is 'pupil voice' and why is it important?

Pupil voice in schools means a whole-school commitment to listening to the views, wishes and experiences of all children and young people. It means placing value on what our children and young people tell school staff about their experiences.

Children and young people need to be provided with meaningful opportunities to share their experiences, views and hopes about their school. Pupils need to know that it is safe and that it is important for them to express their views on what happens at school. They need to know that what they say is valued and will be listened to and considered.

At Hillside Community Primary School, we believe the voice of the children is crucial in shaping our school and curriculum . We endeavour to give all children lots of opportunities to share their thoughts and opinions and play an active role in the decisions that affect their learning and well-being.

We believe that everyone’s voice should be heard which is why we have established various groups within school. We also want to provide opportunities for our pupils to develop their leadership skills, be confident and work collaboratively with the teaching teams within school.

School Council

20th September 2023

It's election day! Years 2 - 6 visited our Polling Station and voted for who they would like to be their class representative after hearing speeches from each candidate.

22nd September 2023

The votes have been counted and verified and the results are in!

Our new School Council Representatives were announced in assembly. Well done to everyone!

5th February 2024

Our fantastic school council led today's assembly, introducing this years Children's Mental Health Week theme 'My Voice Matters'

Pupil Parliament

6th November 2023

This week is Parliament Week, the Pupil Parliament met at Capitol Cinema and were lucky enough to hear from Rachel from Parliament UK who led the meeting and told the group how parliament works. 

31st January 2024

Pupil Parliament met today to debate 2 topics. Our debate about 'The ownership of Dangerous Dogs' It was a very interesting debate! We then listened to the next topic which was about 'the use of single use plastic.' Well done to all involved.

5th March 2024

Our Pupil Parliamentarians visited the Council Chambers to meet the current Mayor, Cllr Maureen Nixon.
The Mayor gave a speech in the chambers about what it’s like being Mayor, the children then asked some brilliant questions and were presented with a certificate from UK Parliament for taking part in UK Parliament week. 
After the meeting, the children were then invited into the Mayors Parlour for refreshments, including homemade cakes, made by the Mayor herself!

Curriculum Council

Sports Council

20th June 2024

Pupil Parliament met to discuss the upcoming General Election! They discussed what will happen leading up to, during, and after the election. Each school then made a poster to create a timeline of events.

Mental Health & Well Being Champions

4th March 2024

Our Mental Health & Well Being Champions attended our local 'family hub' event at Eavesdale Children's Centre and met different agencies, who offer support to children and families in our local area. They got to enjoy sports and crafts too, as well as a delicious fruit platter!

28th March 2024

Our Mental Health & Well-Being Champions took part in some training with Compass Bloom Mental Health Practitioners, Lizzie & Sophie.